Bicycle & Car Rentals

The easiest way to get around the Itoigawa Geopark

 Itoigawa has a number of options for exploring the Geopark by rental bicycle or car. The Itoigawa Geopark is very large and mountainous, so please keep distances and local topography in mind when planning your route.

Itoigawa Town Rent-a-Cycle

Itoigawa Town Rent-a-Cycle

 These bicycles can conveniently be rented and dropped off in front of Itoigawa Station. Grab an Itoigawa Cycling Map and try out one of the set courses or set out and explore on your own! 3 speed and electric pedal assist bicycles are available.

Hours 9:00 - 17:00
Season March 12 - November 30 ※Depending on snow conditions
Fee 3 Speed Bicycle
  500 yen / 3 hours OR 1,000 yen per day
Electric Pedal Assist Bicycle
500 yen / hour OR 2,500 yen per day
Rental Locations
  • ・Itoigawa Station North Gate Location: Itoo Bicycles (025-552-0239)
  • ・Itoigawa Station South Gate Location: GeoStation GeoPal (025-555-7344)
How to Use
  • 1. Application
    • ・Please show a form of ID and fill out an application form.
    • ・Receive a return form and bicycle key.
  • 2. Enjoy your trip!
  • 3. Return
    • ・Park your bicycle and contact the rental desk.
    • ・Return the return form and key.
    • ・Make sure to return the bicycle the same day you borrowed it.
Rules for Use
  • 1. Obey all posted signs and traffic regulations
  • 2. Always lock your bicycle when not in use.
  • 3. Rental bicycles may only be used from 9:00 until 17:00.
  • 4. Advance reservation is not available.
  • 5. Rental bicycles must be returned the same day they have been rented.
  • 6. There is no guarantee of rental bicycle availability.
  • 7. Please follow the instructions of the desk staff.
  • 1. Rental application must be filled out in full and given to rental desk staff.
  • 2. After using the bicycle, please return the key with the return form.
  • 3. In the event of damage or theft, the customer will assume liability.
  • 4. We cannot be held liable for accident or injury resulting from use of the Itoigawa Town Rent-a-Cycles.

Cycling Map

Cycling Map

Explore by Rent-a-Car

Explore by Rent-a-Car

 The Itoigawa Region is ruggedly beautiful, filled with mountains, rivers, valleys and gorges. To fully explore all of it, we recommend renting a car. A number of car rental services are available to visitors with valid Japanese Driver’s Licenses or International Driving Permits.

 Visit the Itoigawa Station North Exit Tourist Information Desk in the Jade Kingdom Center for more information about car rentals.