Japanese Geoparks Network - An Organization Promoting the Geopark Model in Japan

What is a Geopark?

The word "Geopark" combines the words "geology/geography" and "park" to refer to a region that is recognized to have geological features of superior quality. This includes such features as geological strata, rocks, topography, volcanoes, fault lines, and other natural wonders. Geoparks work to conserve and research these heritages and educate about the deep connection between people and the natural world. They use their unique properties to promote science education and disaster prevention. They also work to develop sustainable development through the use of renewable resources and the promotion and development of ecotourism.

The Japanese Geoparks Network

The Japanese Geoparks Network brings together all of the Geoparks and Aspiring Geoparks within Japan. When a region in Japan receives validation from the Japanese Geoparks Council, it automatically becomes a member of the Japanese Geoparks Network. Regions which aspire to form Geoparks of their own can join the network as observing members. All member and observing member regions support the finances of the network through annual membership fees and donations.

Goals of the Japanese Geoparks

The Japanese Geoparks Network works to popularize the Geoparks Model among the people of Japan and also seeks to support Geopark activities, the popularization of Earth Sciences within society, and the development and revitalization of regional economies and societies. Japanese Geoparks differ significantly from their European counterparts in that, unlike Europe, Japan is a region of active and often violent geological forces, including a number of volcanoes and earthquakes. The JGN seeks to use this unique feature of the ever-changing Japanese Archipelago to appeal to the world.

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